Tuesday, June 10, 2008

BBC Debate

The BBC Debate on China at

discusses the growth of China and goes into more of the limitations of growth. These include the chinese people considering profit over social responsibility, lack of democracy and effective ways to guide the growth of the whole country and provide incentives to do the right thing for the country and enviornment over the right thing for one's pocket. While the technology is available to solve problems of pollution it is hard to intergrate the technology in already existing areas due to cost and overall worth to the company (not concerning the worth to society as a whole). This video makes the growth in China to be an uphill battle. The economy and government are key problems that need to be worked through. It will have to be a combination of grassroots support and higher leadership. The proliferation of the internet I believe also contributed in the desire for democracy in China. The underlying hero in all of the world now though is technology. Every country is looking for fuel efficiency and alternatives to sapping natural resources to name two things of interest.

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